Life Insurance Lawyer Stamford Connecticut

Stamford is a great place, however, what is not so great is the high volume of denied life insurance claims here. Our life insurance lawyers will fight the insurance companies to get you the full value of your policy. When you need a life insurance lawyer Connecticut, contact us today!

What are some examples of firearms denials with respect to a life insurance claim?
Firearms-related denials with respect to a life insurance claim may include:
  1. Misuse or illegal activity: If the insured died as a result of using a firearm in an illegal or reckless manner, the life insurance company may deny the claim.

  2. Failure to disclose ownership or use of a firearm: If the insured did not disclose their ownership or use of a firearm on the insurance application, the life insurance company may deny the claim.

  3. Suicide: If the insured committed suicide with a firearm, the life insurance company may deny the claim.

  4. Criminal activity: If the insured was involved in criminal activity that led to the use of a firearm, the life insurance company may deny the claim.

It is important to note that the specific terms and exclusions of the life insurance policy will dictate whether or not a firearms-related death is covered. It is always recommended to review the policy terms and consult with an attorney or insurance professional if there are any questions or concerns.

2023-2024 Stamford Connecticut Denied Life Insurance Claims Resolved

  • Ameriprise interpleader resolved $95,000.00
  • Global Atlantic denied life insurance claim $11,000.00
  • Franklin Life autoerotic asphyxiation death $57,000.00
  • Trinity COVID-19 exclusion death won $25,000.00
  • AD&D Stamford Connecticut denial won $750,000.00
  • National Integrity power of attorney change 110,000.00
  • Industrial Life coronavirus exclusion resolved $88,000.00
  • USAA suicide self-inflicted injury exclusion $102,000.00
  • American Fidellity beneficiary dispute $62,000.00
  • Metlife gunshot suicide exclusion $39,000.00
  • Stamford CT denied life insurance claim $600,000.00
  • American Retirement chronic illness claim $20,000.00
  • Navy Mutual self-inflicted injury suicide $401,000.00
  • Bankers Life material misrepresentation $39,000.00

Interpleader Lawyer Stamford Connecticut

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