Life Insurance Lawyer Provo Utah

We fight all denied life insurance claims in Utah, and win! You need a life insurance lawyer Utah

What is a sickness exclusion with respect to a life insurance policy?

A sickness exclusion is a provision in a life insurance policy that excludes coverage for death resulting from a specific illness or medical condition. If the policyholder dies as a result of the excluded illness, the policy's beneficiaries will not receive the death benefit. The specific conditions that are excluded from coverage vary by policy and insurance provider, but common examples include pre-existing conditions, such as cancer or heart disease, and high-risk activities, such as skydiving or scuba diving. It's important to carefully review the terms and conditions of a life insurance policy before purchasing it to ensure that you understand any exclusions or limitations on coverage.

What is the chronic illness exclusion on a life insurance policy, and give examples of denial due to chronic illness exclusion

The chronic illness exclusion is a provision in some life insurance policies that excludes coverage for death resulting from a chronic illness. Chronic illnesses are typically defined as conditions that last for an extended period of time, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and kidney failure, among others.

If an insured person dies due to a chronic illness and their policy includes a chronic illness exclusion, the death benefit may be denied. This means that the insurance company will not pay out the death benefit to the beneficiary.

For example, if an insured person has a heart attack and dies due to complications from their pre-existing heart condition, and their life insurance policy includes a chronic illness exclusion, the death benefit may be denied. Similarly, if a person with a history of cancer dies due to cancer-related complications and their policy contains a chronic illness exclusion, the death benefit may also be denied.

It's important to note that not all life insurance policies contain a chronic illness exclusion, and the terms and conditions of life insurance policies can vary widely. It's essential to read and understand the terms of a policy before purchasing it to ensure that it meets your needs and expectations.

2023-2024 Provo Utah Denied Life Insurance Claims Recently Resolved

  • United Home Life misrepresentation denial $130,000.00

  • Shooting death denial felony exclusion $23,000.00
  • MassMutual beneficiary dispute $310,000.00
  • Gerber sickness exclusion $114,000.00
  • Mass Mutual beneficiary dispute $103,000.00
  • Globe fraud on the application $101,000.00
  • AAA Life coronavirus denial $80,000.00
  • Freedom Life beneficiary dispute $114,000.00

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