Life Insurance Lawyer Fayetteville Arkansas

There are many denied life insurance claims as well as interpleader lawsuits in Fayetteville, Arkansas. You need a life insurance lawyer Arkansas!

Here are six common reasons for denied life insurance claims in Fayetteville Arkansas:

  1. Misrepresentation or Non-Disclosure: One of the primary reasons for denied claims is when the policyholder fails to disclose relevant information during the application process. Insurers rely heavily on the accuracy of the information provided by the policyholder to assess risk and determine premiums. If the policyholder withholds or misrepresents information regarding their health, medical history, or lifestyle habits (such as smoking or participation in hazardous activities), the insurer may deny the claim, citing a breach of the policy terms.

  2. Policy Lapses: If the policyholder fails to pay premiums on time, the life insurance policy may lapse. In such cases, the coverage ceases, and the insurer is not obligated to pay out any claims. Policyholders may overlook payment deadlines or forget to renew their policies, leading to unintentional lapses. Additionally, some policies have grace periods during which late payments are accepted, but if premiums remain unpaid beyond this grace period, the policy may lapse.

  3. Cause of Death Exclusions: Certain life insurance policies come with exclusions for specific causes of death. For instance, deaths resulting from suicide within a specified period after policy inception (usually one to two years) may not be covered. Similarly, deaths caused by engaging in high-risk activities or participating in illegal acts may lead to denied claims if the policy includes such exclusions.

  4. Material Changes in Risk: If the policyholder's circumstances change significantly after obtaining the life insurance policy, such as taking up a hazardous occupation or developing a severe medical condition, the insurer may deny the claim. Insurers expect policyholders to inform them of any material changes in risk so they can reassess the terms of the policy or adjust premiums accordingly. Failure to disclose such changes may result in denied claims.

  5. Fraudulent Claims: Insurers thoroughly investigate suspicious or potentially fraudulent claims. If they find evidence of fraud, such as falsified documents, staged accidents, or intentional misrepresentation of facts, they will deny the claim. Attempting to deceive the insurer for financial gain is illegal and can have severe consequences, including denial of the claim and potential legal action.

  6. Policy Exclusions and Limitations: Life insurance policies often contain specific exclusions and limitations that define the scope of coverage. Common exclusions may include deaths resulting from war, terrorism, or participation in dangerous activities like extreme sports. Additionally, some policies have limitations on coverage for certain pre-existing conditions or illnesses. If the cause of death falls within these excluded or limited categories, the insurer may deny the claim.

2023-2024 Fayetteville Arkansas Denied Life Insurance Claims Resolved

  • Mutual of Omaha interpleader $77,000.00
  • Pacific Life denied life insurance claim $103,200.00
  • Choice Mutual COVID-19 denial $69,000.00
  • Fayetteville Arkansas denied life insurance claim $50,000.00
  • AARP beneficiary dispute settled $85,000.00
  • Family First coronavirus death denial $40,000.00
  • Navy Federal wrong age on application $76,000.00
  • Colonial Life delayed life insurance claim $55,000.00
  • AD&D claim denied in Fayetteville Arkansas $102,000.00
  • Aflac dispute between beneficiaries $31,000.00
  • Denied FEGLI claim rejection won $142,000.00
  • Centennial Life act of war exclusion that we won $20,000.00
  • Talcott Resolution autoerotic asphyxiation $77,000.00
  • United Life chronic illness exclusion $14,000.00
  • Symetra Life lapse of policy nonpayment $109,000.00
  • Fidelity Life intoxication exclusion won $50,000.00

Interpleader Lawyer Fayetteville Arkansas

In a hypothetical scenario involving an interpleader related to a denied life insurance claim, let's consider a situation where a deceased individual, John, held a life insurance policy naming his two adult children, Sarah and Michael, as equal beneficiaries. Following John's passing, Sarah submits a claim to the insurance company, asserting her entitlement to the entirety of the policy proceeds. However, the insurance company denies Sarah's claim, citing suspicions of foul play in John's death. Sarah vehemently denies any wrongdoing and insists on her right to the insurance benefits. Meanwhile, Michael, who is aware of the denial, also submits a claim, arguing that he is the rightful sole beneficiary of the policy. The insurance company finds Michael's claim valid and approves it, leading to a conflict between the siblings over the policy proceeds.

In response to the conflicting claims, Sarah files a lawsuit against both the insurance company and her brother, Michael, seeking to contest the denial of her claim and asserting her entitlement to the insurance benefits. Michael, in turn, countersues, maintaining his position as the sole rightful beneficiary. Faced with the competing claims and the risk of potential double liability, the insurance company initiates an interpleader action, depositing the policy proceeds with the court and requesting judicial intervention to resolve the dispute. The court acknowledges the complexity of the situation and summons Sarah, Michael, and any relevant witnesses to present evidence and arguments supporting their respective claims. Through the interpleader process, the court aims to adjudicate the dispute fairly, ensuring that the rightful beneficiary receives the insurance benefits while also protecting the interests of all parties involved.

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